Top 5 Food Tips to Lose Weight and Eat Age-Appropriate

Top 5 Food Tips to Lose Weight and Eat Age-Appropriate Diet

Lose weight food: Eating right is extremely important. While we are young, we tend to jump right into trying new, interesting food items and test our appetite, digestive capacities, and metabolism constantly. The urge to eat during youth can lead to health-related complications after a certain age, for the body might not take it very well. As we age, our metabolic processes slow down gradually, making it difficult for the body to digest food. This results in easier and faster weight gain which can lead to obesity. It can also lead to loss of lean muscle and the onset of a number of chronic diseases. Here are five tips on how to eat according to your age so that you stay in shape and your body doesn’t have to take too much!

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The 20’s

While you are in your 20s, there is nothing that is off-limits. No food items are proscribed or to be avoided for the body is in its prime and can pretty much take in anything. However, it is important to categorize food into ‘eat less of’, ‘eat some of’ and ‘eat more of’ categories. The last would include Vitamin D rich foods for strong bones and teeth such as dairy products, cereals, salmon, tuna, soy, oatmeal and lots of fruits and vegetables. All of these foods would also promote heart health and build a strong foundation for the future. Fiber-rich foods are next on the list. For a healthy digestive system and prevention of diabetes, having fiber-rich foods such as fruits, cereals etc. is important. These will also help you stay fuller for longer and avoid cravings.

The 30’s

The body starts to decline gradually during the 30s. It is the beginning of the decline and you might want to take care of your heart health by including omega-3 fatty acids in your regular diet. Salmon, mackerel, oysters, tuna, trout and perch are great sources of the fatty acid which fortifies the cardiac muscles. In addition to this, cutting down on alcohol is recommended, and binge drinking is a strict no-no, for it leads to irreversible damage.

The 40’s

The 40’s are a time when you should focus on consuming foods rich in antioxidants that can help prevent several kinds of cancers. Fruits such as guavas, mangoes, dragon fruit along with oatmeal for breakfast can give health benefits along with a rich treat for your taste buds. Add salads to your diet to ease digestion and do not eliminate carbs altogether because of the fear of gaining weight. Healthy carbs are vital for health and should be included in the diet like porridge, wheat bread, pasta, beans and legumes are some examples of the same.

The 50’s

Enter the 50s and with them comes the risk of menopause for women and a paunch for men. Both the genders should be on the lookout for high cholesterol, blood sugar levels and blood pressure. Including Potassium rich foods such as dark leafy greens, sprouts, potatoes, lima beans and beetroots. These foods will minimize the effects of sodium and help you have a healthy blood pressure. Minimizing salt, natural and added can help keep obesity at bay. Eating packaged foods is not recommended.

The 60’s

The 60s are a time for reviewing all that you did so far in life and plan for the future. A balanced work out regime is the need of the sixties. A work out that helps you cut out fat and retain the muscle you have, for the body starts losing muscle with age. Ensuring sufficient protein intake is imperative and diversifying it by adding various forms of meat can also help considerably. You can also add a scoop of whey protein to your diet but only after consulting your physician.

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