health benefits of dates fruit

The medicinal value and health benefits of dates fruit

Health benefits of dates

Health benefits of dates fruit: Dates are a very beneficial fruit and its medicinal value is very high. Dates are very valuable for their incomparable taste and aroma in the cooking industry. Many of us don’t know that dates are also used as medicine for many diseases.

High-quality dates are found in abundance in the desert regions of the Middle East and North Africa. Dates require warm weather and light or no rainfall.

There are many types of dates according to the species. There are 1500 species of dates in the world. When analyzing the quality, 5 classes of dates are best and very high quality. There Medjool Dates (Morocco, North Africa), Deri Dates (Iraq), Ajwa Dates (Saudi Arabia), Kimia Dates (Iran), Omani Dates (Oman, Middle East).

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Nutrition facts in dates

Dates nutrition facts: Dried dates contain more than 50 percent sugar by weight and about 2 percent protein, fat, and mineral salts.

Dates contain some important antioxidants and amino acids. Dates also contain many important vitamins. Moreover, every 100 grams of dates contains 282 kcal of energy and 2.5 grams of protein, 75 grams of carbohydrates, and finally 0.4 grams of fat. Dates are really a very important fruit in terms of nutrition. This is why dates are called the fruit of kings.

In the next step, I will discuss the dates fruit benefits

Dates fruit health benefits:

  1. Dates relieve anemia in our bodies.
  2. Dates help us a lot to get rid of digestive problems. The date relieves constipation, indigestion, and even various stomach ulcers and acidity. So the use of dates as a laxative is immense.
  3. Dates reduce the level of bad cholesterol in our blood and because of this our risk of heart disease is greatly reduced.
  4. Since dates are low in sodium and high in potassium, it greatly increases the capacity and activity of our heart.
  5. Due to the presence of high levels of magnesium and potassium in dates, dates help maintain the water balance in our body.
  6. Dates help to protect us from nervous weakness.
  7. The importance of dates in preventing cancer is immense.
  8. In addition to various vitamins, dates contain a variety of mineral salts, which help maintain the volatile quality of our body. Eating dates such as potassium, magnesium, calcium, copper, vitamin A, and essential amino acids reduces our risk of osteoporosis.
  9. Dates protect against lung infections. Due to the presence of organic sulfur in dates, it protects our body from various types of bacterial infections, fungal infections, and viral infections.
  10. The importance of dates to protect against sexual dysfunction and infertility is immense.
  11. Dates are very helpful for people who are overweight and who are hungry all day long. Because dates are a high-calorie fruit.
  12. There is no substitute for dates to provide complimentary food to pregnant women, growing babies, and adolescents.
  13. Dates cure our insomnia problems.
  14. Dates relieve migraine problems.
  15. It Helps to protect women from menstrual cramps.
  16. Dates are rich in calcium which protects us from dental problems.
  17. The importance of dates in getting rid of night blindness problem is immense.
  18. Dates are incomparable in protecting the beauty of our skin.


Considering the various aspects of Dates fruit nutrients value, we realize that the importance of “health benefits of dates fruit” in our lives is immense. Dates are not only high-quality nutritious fruits, their importance in curing various diseases of our body is immense. So we should put at least 100 grams of dates in our daily diet and said goodbye to the disease.


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